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After many of years of "environmentalism" and "sustainability" why start talking about "regeneration"? Discussions about terminology quickly get tedious, but it is helpful to have words to describe new concepts. Here are five reasons we're working under the umbrella of "regeneration".

  • It's the economy, stupid!

Wise words for presidential candidates and applicable here too. In general, what we call environmental problems are actually symptoms of economic problems. By adding economics into the framework we may be able to hunt down root causes, better understand the system, and not play whack-a-mole with symptoms.

  • It is up to us.

We -- humans, that is -- have been slow to acknowledge responsibility for changes in our ecosystems, living what we might call the "accidental anthropocene". It is time to take responsibility and launch the "intentional anthropocene". If not us, who? If not now, when?

  • We can win the game.

A regenerative framework offers a change of perspective, like from looking down to looking up, and a view of many new opportunities. It can help us shift focus from interventions that reduce damage, helping us "lose more slowly", to see opportunities for innovation and abundance that will have more impact, helping us actually win the game.

  • It engages business.

We're pro-business. Business is an important way people self-organize to solve each others problems. Sure, we can do this better, and we need continued evolution of business and more & better partnerships with other sectors to make it so. But, frankly, without the creativity and discipline of business, winning becomes nearly impossible.

  • It feels good!

Regeneration is about creating something good more than stopping or punishing something bad. It is a positive, "can do" mindset that opens new and creative opportunities for discussion, partnership, and exploration. This positive, inclusive approach, can help us break through some of the log jams that stymie progress today. As Peter Senge has said, "it is far too late for pessimism".

We want to contribute to the world with positive, constructive, open, partnering, sharing strategies. The message of regenerative innovation is that people can, are, and must continue to make the world a better place.

Join the Wave!

Food for Thought

Plus, a Treat

And, in closing

We are very early in the process of defining what it means to build a regenerative economy (and the terminology may continue to evolve). But we're convinced it is directionally correct. Now we are studying, testing, and building interest, support, and resources.

Thus this newsletter, which will come out weekly with brief observations and links to related materials exploring innovation and the regenerative economy. With effort, and a bit of luck, we hope support for these concepts becomes a wave sweeping the world!

If you find this email valuable, please share with a friend. If you don't, please unsubscribe (link at the bottom.) We also much appreciate comments, advice, and suggestions for links to highlight.



1. To subscribe to this weekly newsletter please go here > https://the-wave.ongoodbits.com/
2. Don't call us spam bro! But you can unsubscribe (with the link at the bottom)
3. This newsletter is a service of Hummingbird Labs
4. Please send questions or suggestions to David Witzel