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Last November in Paris a group of large investors led by Bill Gates announced the "Breakthrough Energy Coalition" to accelerate movement toward large scale use of renewable energy. The objective is to organize a continuum of funding -- from basic research, to high risk entrepreneurship ("breakthrough" companies), to large scale implementation. Gates argues the mix of finance will help accelerate innovation and risk-taking across the sector.

Kevin Bayuk, building upon Gates' example, argues that a similar "Regenerative Agriculture Capital Stack" will help build the wave of regenerative economics. In this video (10') Kevin explains the concept and how it applies in agriculture.

Regenerative Agriculture Capital Stack

Who do you see building the capital stack - (please let us know)?

Don't forget: be intentional - join the wave!

Building the Capital Stack

Who Are Regeneration's Medici's?

And, in closing

We are very early in the process of defining what it means to build a regenerative economy. While the terminology will continue to evolve, we're convinced the ideas are directionally correct. Now we are studying, testing, plotting, and building interest, support, and resources.

Thus this newsletter, which will come out about weekly with brief observations and links to related materials exploring innovation and the regenerative economy. With effort, and a bit of luck, we hope support for these concepts becomes a wave sweeping the world!

If you find this email valuable, please share with a friend. If you don't, please unsubscribe (link at the bottom.) We also much appreciate comments, advice, and suggestions for links to highlight.



1. To subscribe to this weekly newsletter please go here > https://the-wave.ongoodbits.com/
2. Don't call us spam bro! But you can unsubscribe (with the link at the bottom)
3. This newsletter is a service of Hummingbird Labs
4. Please send questions or suggestions to David Witzel