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A news story this week highlighted the motivation for regenerative innovation and a movement to a regenerative economy.

A Washington Post article about the demise of the coal industry explored the many deep holes - literal and figurative - big coal is leaving as it dies. The article raises serious questions about whether the industry will fund pension plans, clean up mining sites, care for worker's health, respond to pollution in groundwater, or clean up its toxic wastes. All of this is aside from taking any responsibility for climate damages.

Coal is a stark example of an "extractive" industry, but not the only one. Shouldn't we expect our businesses, were they to disappear, to leave employees healthier, communities stronger, land and biodiversity richer, and the economy better off? To not leave a deep hole in society?

Have other examples to explain the distinction between extractive and regenerative businesses or business approaches? Please let me know!

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And, in closing

We are very early in the process of defining what it means to build a regenerative economy. While the terminology will continue to evolve, we're convinced the ideas are directionally correct. Now we are studying, testing, plotting, and building interest, support, and resources.

Thus this newsletter, which will come out about weekly with brief observations and links to related materials exploring innovation and the regenerative economy. With effort, and a bit of luck, we hope support for these concepts becomes a wave sweeping the world!

If you find this email valuable, please share with a friend. If you don't, please unsubscribe (link at the bottom.) We also much appreciate comments, advice, and suggestions for links to highlight.



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3. This newsletter is a service of Hummingbird Labs
4. Please send questions or suggestions to David Witzel